Introduced in 2017 The Callet "Jazz" LT trumpet was well received at the ITG conference. This great new trumpet is a lightweight version of the famous Callet "Jazz" trumpet! The standard "Jazz" body and the"Expandabore" concept continues to be utilized but with a thinner .017" bell. This allows for a super fast response with a brighter sound.
Offered in two different lead pipe venturi sizes .346 and .348. An optional heavier braced main tuning slide allows the player to darken the sound and make the slots firmer if they so desire. Additionally an optional .460 main tuning slide allows the sound and resistance to be tailored to a wide variety of performance requirements and player preferences.
Excellent response and slotting from low F# to double high C. Includes a precision valve alignment with exclusive port balancing. Special micro-lap valve fitting. Play testing by Lee Adams and tweaking by George Rawlin with a variety of resonance enhancing procedures. Each trumpet receives several hours of refinements after the initial assembly! Includes a high quality case. Protec Pro Contour or comparable. $3050.00 email for availability [email protected]